Help Wanted
The economic ramifications of COVID-19 are truly being felt in the state of Maine with Help Wanted signs up everywhere. In the first quarter of 2021 alone, Maine has added 11,200 jobs. The State of Maine has come up with a plan to help encourage folks to rejoin the workforce after losing their job due to the pandemic.
Back to Work Program
Announced today is the rollout of the Back to Work Program. The program is being funded by $10 million in Federal funding. As many as 7,500 currently unemployed Mainers could receive $1,000-$1,500 by going back to work full-time. A $1,500 payment will be available to those who start jobs between June 15th and June 30th and $1,000 will be for those who start working in July. The payments would go directly to the employer to pass on to their employees.

There are a few boxes to check in order to be eligible for the funds:
1. You had to have received unemployment compensation for the week ending May 29, 2021.
2. You must accept a full-time job that pays less than $25 an hour and stay at the job for at least 8 consecutive weeks.
3. You cannot receive unemployment compensation during those 8 weeks of employment.
The program will start tomorrow, Tuesday, June 15th and Maine will accept applications through July 25th but payments will be sent out on a first-come-first-served basis.